
Saturday Metropolitan Fields Declared Wednesday

29th Oct 2010

Saturday Metropolitan Fields Declared Wednesday

Racing NSW - Thursday, 28 October 2010

Racing NSW today announced that acceptances for Saturday metropolitan meetings will come forward 24 hours for a three-month trial commencing 1 December 2010.

The trial will see acceptances brought forward from 9am Thursday, to 9am Wednesday for all Saturday NSW metropolitan race meetings.

“NSW partly moved towards this concept in September 2008 by having acceptances for all Metropolitan Saturday fixtures that feature a Group One race brought forward a day to Wednesday,” said Racing NSW Chief Executive, Peter V’landys.

“We are now looking forward to extending the change to include all Saturday meetings so as to allow the earlier publication of form guides and generate more interest in our premium raceday.”

The trial, which has long had the support of the media, was decided on after consultation with the NSW Trainers Association, Race Clubs and the Racing Industry Consultative Group.

To assist trainers with the earlier acceptance time, the scratching fee for horses scratched prior to the traditional Acceptance time of 9am Thursday, will be halved from $250 to $125 (except for Group and Listed races where normal fees apply).

There will also be a move to the time of declaration of gear changes (currently 9am) back to midday on the day of Acceptances for these meetings only.

NSWTA Chief Executive, Rob Colquhoun, said: “Members of the NSWTA Board acknowledge the benefits that may arise from bringing acceptances forward in terms of promotion of the NSW racing industry and supports a trial of Wednesday acceptances accordingly.

“The reduction in scratching fee and the extension of time for gear changes are appreciated by our members. The NSWTA will monitor the trial closely and looks forward to receiving feedback from its members.”