
Victorian Bushfire Appeal - Australian Racing Pledges Support

10th Feb 2009

Victorian Bushfire Appeal - Australian Racing Pledges Support

Australian Racing Board - Media Release - Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Australian Racing Board Chairman, Mr Bob Bentley, expressed his thanks to racing bodies from around Australia who have moved quickly to donate to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

“Australian Racing extends our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the devastating bushfires. People call Australia the lucky country and we are indeed blessedly fortunate to live here, but the terror that unfolded in Victoria last weekend is difficult to comprehend” – Bob Bentley, Chairman, Australian Racing Board.

To lend a helping hand to Victoria’s bushfire victims racing bodies from around Australia have pledged support totalling an estimated $400, 000.

“At times like this State & Territory borders are meaningless. Racing bodies from around Australia have come together nationally to lend a hand to the victims of this disaster.” – Bob Bentley

Mr Bentley was speaking from North Queensland, which is bracing itself for another monsoon after the floods that have been wreaking havoc for almost three weeks including extensive damage to racecourses in the region. He said that by moving quickly to pledge its support Australian Racing hoped to help demonstrate to the Victorian communities affected by the bushfires that they were not in this alone, and that every sector of Australian society, including the national racing industry, wants to do whatever we can to assist them in their hour of need.

“No amount of money and certainly no amount of words can give back to the victims of the Victorian bushfires what they have lost. However, what we can do is show them that they are not alone.” – Bob Bentley