2024 Ready2Race Sale

15 October 2024

Arrival / Selling Times

For each of the horses we present the time of their arrival at the sales complex and the estimated time they will be offered for sale.
Please check the Parade Schedule for details on when horses will be ready for parading.

Sire / Dam
Arrival Time
Selling Time *
Kermadec (NZ) / Zombie Queen 12:00 pm (Tue 15th)
Nicconi / Zumbarina 12:01 pm (Tue 15th)
Snitzel / Acqume 12:03 pm (Tue 15th)
Showtime / Akoonah 12:05 pm (Tue 15th)
Dirty Work / All My Loving 12:06 pm (Tue 15th)
Deep Field / All Over Bosanova 12:08 pm (Tue 15th)
Exceed and Excel / Allez Bien (NZ) 12:10 pm (Tue 15th)
Zousain / Anuket 12:11 pm (Tue 15th)
Blue Point (IRE) / Arabian Diamond 12:13 pm (Tue 15th)
10  Star Turn / Arziki 12:15 pm (Tue 15th)
11  Maurice (JPN) / Aspen Summit 12:16 pm (Tue 15th)
12  I Am Invincible / Atomic Kitten 12:18 pm (Tue 15th)
13  Graff / Baroness de Ville 12:20 pm (Tue 15th)
14  Written Tycoon / Be My Star 12:21 pm (Tue 15th)
15  Super Seth / Believe You Me (NZ) 12:23 pm (Tue 15th)
16  Ghaiyyath (IRE) / Bella Amante 12:25 pm (Tue 15th)
17  Peltzer / Blazing Babe 12:26 pm (Tue 15th)
18  Capitalist / Blazing Snitzel 12:28 pm (Tue 15th)
19  Hellbent / Bold Runner 12:30 pm (Tue 15th)
20  Churchill (IRE) / Bonjour 12:31 pm (Tue 15th)
21  Nicconi / Brooklyn Rain 12:33 pm (Tue 15th)
22  Written By / Calypso Queen 12:35 pm (Tue 15th)
23  Bivouac / Cangino 12:36 pm (Tue 15th)
24  Toronado (IRE) / Catena 12:38 pm (Tue 15th)
25  Tivaci / Ceremony (NZ) 12:40 pm (Tue 15th)
26  Ole Kirk / Cheyenne Sue 12:41 pm (Tue 15th)
27  Maurice (JPN) / Chicquita 12:43 pm (Tue 15th)
28  All Too Hard / Clementine 12:45 pm (Tue 15th)
29  King's Legacy / Conclusive 12:46 pm (Tue 15th)
30  Rubick / Crazy Quality 12:48 pm (Tue 15th)
31  Deep Field / Cribbage 12:50 pm (Tue 15th)
32  Tagaloa / Daenerys 12:51 pm (Tue 15th)
33  Overshare / Dazzling Rose 12:53 pm (Tue 15th)
34  Denman / Desirada 12:55 pm (Tue 15th)
35  Tassort / Devine Shen 12:56 pm (Tue 15th)
36  Nicconi / Dezuri 12:58 pm (Tue 15th)
37  Star Turn / Disco Queen 1:00 pm (Tue 15th)
38  Proisir / Diva Express (NZ) 1:01 pm (Tue 15th)
39  Brazen Beau / Dixiana 1:03 pm (Tue 15th)
40  Zoustar / Dollymolly 1:05 pm (Tue 15th)
41  Pierata / Dream Free 1:06 pm (Tue 15th)
42  King's Legacy / Dress (USA) 1:08 pm (Tue 15th)
43  King's Legacy / Duhallow 1:10 pm (Tue 15th)
44  Toronado (IRE) / Eclat 1:11 pm (Tue 15th)
45  Deep Field / Emma Jane 1:13 pm (Tue 15th)
46  Foxwedge / Encosta Quidd 1:15 pm (Tue 15th)
47  Unite and Conquer / Falqueen 1:16 pm (Tue 15th)
48  Wootton Bassett (GB) / Fanatic (NZ) 1:18 pm (Tue 15th)
49  Darci Brahma (NZ) / Find Your Level (NZ) 1:20 pm (Tue 15th)
50  Merchant Navy / Fiorentina 1:21 pm (Tue 15th)
51  Tagaloa / Forest Cat 1:23 pm (Tue 15th)
52  Harry Angel (IRE) / Forever Calm 1:25 pm (Tue 15th)
53  Capitalist / Foxy Housewife 1:26 pm (Tue 15th)
54  Written Tycoon / Ghadaayer (IRE) 1:28 pm (Tue 15th)
55  Exceedance / Gigi Girl 1:30 pm (Tue 15th)
56  Castelvecchio / Glare Channel (JPN) 1:31 pm (Tue 15th)
57  Pierata / Goanna Ga Ga 1:33 pm (Tue 15th)
58  Grunt (NZ) / Goldylux 1:35 pm (Tue 15th)
59  Churchill (IRE) / Good Oh 1:36 pm (Tue 15th)
60  Deep Field / Gossip Queen 1:38 pm (Tue 15th)
61  Starspangledbanner / Guiding Light 1:40 pm (Tue 15th)
62  Star Turn / Gypsy Miss 1:41 pm (Tue 15th)
63  Toronado (IRE) / Gypsy's Best 1:43 pm (Tue 15th)
64  Tassort / Happy Highway 1:45 pm (Tue 15th)
65  Written Tycoon / Harlech (GB) 1:46 pm (Tue 15th)
66  Anders / Heaven's Delight 1:48 pm (Tue 15th)
67  Divine Prophet / Heroine 1:50 pm (Tue 15th)
68  Cool Aza Beel (NZ) / Herstory 1:51 pm (Tue 15th)
69  Anders / Highland Secrets 1:53 pm (Tue 15th)
70  Maurice (JPN) / Holiday Romance 1:55 pm (Tue 15th)
71  Star Turn / Hyannis Port 1:56 pm (Tue 15th)
72  Star Turn / Iconista 1:58 pm (Tue 15th)
73  Harry Angel (IRE) / Imananabaa 2:00 pm (Tue 15th)
74  Star Witness / Impulsive Dream 2:01 pm (Tue 15th)
75  All Too Hard / Invincible Thunder 2:03 pm (Tue 15th)
76  Super Seth / Italian Queen (NZ) 2:05 pm (Tue 15th)
77  Harry Angel (IRE) / Jacinta 2:06 pm (Tue 15th)
78  All Too Hard / Joan Constance 2:08 pm (Tue 15th)
79  Lucky Vega (IRE) / Kahara River (IRE) 2:10 pm (Tue 15th)
80  Toronado (IRE) / Keltara 2:11 pm (Tue 15th)
81  North Pacific / Kibira (FR) 2:13 pm (Tue 15th)
82  Brutal (NZ) / Kiss Moon (USA) 2:15 pm (Tue 15th)
83  Shamus Award / Kissed by the Sun 2:16 pm (Tue 15th)
84  Tagaloa / La Magique 2:18 pm (Tue 15th)
85  Doubtland / La Paris 2:20 pm (Tue 15th)
86  Rubick / Lady of War 2:21 pm (Tue 15th)
87  Pierata / Lady Rah Rah 2:23 pm (Tue 15th)
88  Capitalist / Larking 2:25 pm (Tue 15th)
89  Anders / Last Eightyate 2:26 pm (Tue 15th)
90  Cosmic Force / Libertine Miss 2:28 pm (Tue 15th)
91  Written Tycoon / Lilac Fairy (FR) 2:30 pm (Tue 15th)
92  Headwater / Lilakai 2:31 pm (Tue 15th)
93  All Too Hard / Londinium 2:33 pm (Tue 15th)
94  All Too Hard / Lonely Heart 2:35 pm (Tue 15th)
95  Churchill (IRE) / Loving New (BRZ) 2:36 pm (Tue 15th)
96  Deep Field / Luce 2:38 pm (Tue 15th)
97  Hanseatic / Luck Favours 2:40 pm (Tue 15th)
98  Maurice (JPN) / Lucky Raquie 2:41 pm (Tue 15th)
99  Shalaa (IRE) / Lyuba 2:43 pm (Tue 15th)
100  Too Darn Hot (GB) / Maevemoo 2:45 pm (Tue 15th)
101  Capitalist / Medic 2:46 pm (Tue 15th)
102  Exceedance / Meikas 2:48 pm (Tue 15th)
103  Tagaloa / Melaleuca 2:50 pm (Tue 15th)
104  Time to Reign / Merton Maid 2:51 pm (Tue 15th)
105  Russian Revolution / Mezcal 2:53 pm (Tue 15th)
106  All Too Hard / Mhaille 2:55 pm (Tue 15th)
107  Street Boss (USA) / Middlebrook Miss 2:56 pm (Tue 15th)
108  Earthlight (IRE) / Miss Singo 2:58 pm (Tue 15th)
109  The Autumn Sun / Miss Super Quick (USA) 3:00 pm (Tue 15th)
110  Trapeze Artist / Miss Swan Lake 3:01 pm (Tue 15th)
111  Tassort / Missile Rain 3:03 pm (Tue 15th)
112  Harry Angel (IRE) / Motown Melody 3:05 pm (Tue 15th)
113  Dundeel (NZ) / Ms Rodarte 3:06 pm (Tue 15th)
114  Hanseatic / Musicmaker 3:08 pm (Tue 15th)
115  Star Witness / My Award 3:10 pm (Tue 15th)
116  Alabama Express / My Donnatella (NZ) 3:11 pm (Tue 15th)
117  Per Incanto (USA) / My Hope (NZ) 3:13 pm (Tue 15th)
118  Brutal (NZ) / New Summer Night 3:15 pm (Tue 15th)
119  Exceedance / Night Flyer 3:16 pm (Tue 15th)
120  Written Tycoon / Noire 3:18 pm (Tue 15th)
121  Peltzer / Ocean Spray 3:20 pm (Tue 15th)
122  Blue Point (IRE) / Opulence Start 3:21 pm (Tue 15th)
123  Spirit of Boom / Our Miss Jones (NZ) 3:23 pm (Tue 15th)
124  Pierata / Personality Plus 3:25 pm (Tue 15th)
125  Cosmic Force / Pippa le Pew 3:26 pm (Tue 15th)
126  Shamus Award / Pirellina 3:28 pm (Tue 15th)
127  Ole Kirk / Plaque 3:30 pm (Tue 15th)
128  Yes Yes Yes / Posing (USA) 3:31 pm (Tue 15th)
129  Toronado (IRE) / Pussycat Dream (GB) 3:33 pm (Tue 15th)
130  Proisir / Qiji Sunlight (NZ) 3:35 pm (Tue 15th)
131  Super Seth / Racing Nadine 3:36 pm (Tue 15th)
132  The Autumn Sun / Raindrops on Roses 3:38 pm (Tue 15th)
133  Ole Kirk / Rainy Daze 3:40 pm (Tue 15th)
134  Capitalist / Raise Up 3:41 pm (Tue 15th)
135  Almanzor (FR) / Rare Delight 3:43 pm (Tue 15th)
136  So You Think (NZ) / Rare Gem (NZ) 3:45 pm (Tue 15th)
137  Frosted (USA) / Ravenhill (NZ) 3:46 pm (Tue 15th)
138  Capitalist / Real Surreal 3:48 pm (Tue 15th)
139  Headwater / Really Fickle 3:50 pm (Tue 15th)
140  Anders / Rebel Cry 3:51 pm (Tue 15th)
141  Cool Aza Beel (NZ) / Refer 3:53 pm (Tue 15th)
142  I Am Invincible / Rimraam (NZ) 3:55 pm (Tue 15th)
143  Written Tycoon / Salamati (GER) 3:56 pm (Tue 15th)
144  Bivouac / Sanako (JPN) 3:58 pm (Tue 15th)
145  Shamus Award / Scavenger 4:00 pm (Tue 15th)
146  Proisir / Scottish Star (NZ) 4:01 pm (Tue 15th)
147  Impending / Seaside 4:03 pm (Tue 15th)
148  So You Think (NZ) / Secret Silence 4:05 pm (Tue 15th)
149  Tassort / Sepplime 4:06 pm (Tue 15th)
150  Bivouac / Set for Fame 4:08 pm (Tue 15th)
151  Farnan / Shady Hustle 4:10 pm (Tue 15th)
152  Justify (USA) / Shahzade 4:11 pm (Tue 15th)
153  Cool Aza Beel (NZ) / She's a Rainbow 4:13 pm (Tue 15th)
154  Shalaa (IRE) / She's on Que 4:15 pm (Tue 15th)
155  Deep Field / Sheer Pleasure (USA) 4:16 pm (Tue 15th)
156  Heroic Valour / Shrewvelon 4:18 pm (Tue 15th)
157  Royal Meeting (IRE) / Silk Trail 4:20 pm (Tue 15th)
158  Brazen Beau / Singled Out 4:21 pm (Tue 15th)
159  Capitalist / Sister Sledge 4:23 pm (Tue 15th)
160  King's Legacy / Sky Flower (USA) 4:25 pm (Tue 15th)
161  Anders / Soaring Miss 4:26 pm (Tue 15th)
162  Hanseatic / Sodalicious 4:28 pm (Tue 15th)
163  Overshare / Sombre Sea 4:30 pm (Tue 15th)
164  Lucky Vega (IRE) / Soosa Rama 4:31 pm (Tue 15th)
165  Written Tycoon / Sopraffina 4:33 pm (Tue 15th)
166  Written Tycoon / Soriano (NZ) 4:35 pm (Tue 15th)
167  Lucky Vega (IRE) / Soul Purpose 4:36 pm (Tue 15th)
168  Russian Revolution / Spirited Princess 4:38 pm (Tue 15th)
169  Zoustar / Spring Venture (USA) 4:40 pm (Tue 15th)
170  Proisir / Starry Heights (NZ) 4:41 pm (Tue 15th)
171  Tassort / Storm Signal (NZ) 4:43 pm (Tue 15th)
172  Star Witness / Sublime Lass 4:45 pm (Tue 15th)
173  Prague / Swatch 4:46 pm (Tue 15th)
174  Tassort / Sweet and Vicious 4:48 pm (Tue 15th)
175  Nicconi / Swing Note 4:50 pm (Tue 15th)
176  Anders / Swing Vote 4:51 pm (Tue 15th)
177  King's Legacy / Swish 4:53 pm (Tue 15th)
178  Hellbent / Temper Tantrum 4:55 pm (Tue 15th)
179  Star Turn / That Girl 4:56 pm (Tue 15th)
180  Zousain / The Bar 4:58 pm (Tue 15th)
181  Capitalist / The Soloist 5:00 pm (Tue 15th)
182  Capitalist / Thrills of Thrills 5:01 pm (Tue 15th)
183  Justify (USA) / Ticket to Ride 5:03 pm (Tue 15th)
184  Written By / Tiwishkeni 5:05 pm (Tue 15th)
185  All Too Hard / Tochi 5:06 pm (Tue 15th)
186  Zousain / Totally Sure 5:08 pm (Tue 15th)
187  Exceedance / Tranquil Harmony 5:10 pm (Tue 15th)
188  Tagaloa / True Priority 5:11 pm (Tue 15th)
189  Astern / Twins 5:13 pm (Tue 15th)
190  Satono Aladdin (JPN) / Veloce Bella (NZ) 5:15 pm (Tue 15th)
191  Hanseatic / Vocalise 5:16 pm (Tue 15th)
192  Dubious / Wald 5:18 pm (Tue 15th)
193  Brutal (NZ) / Waltz 5:20 pm (Tue 15th)
194  Star Turn / What's New (NZ) 5:21 pm (Tue 15th)
195  Toronado (IRE) / White Stilettos 5:23 pm (Tue 15th)
196  Cosmic Force / Willyama 5:25 pm (Tue 15th)
* The Selling Time is approximate; updated on the half-hour throughout the day.